Phish Bowl

March 12, 2018
Details: From: Mail Service <> Subject: DO NOT IGNORE THE WARNING Text: Dear [redacted] Our records indicate that yoru account has been detected in spam activities, it has been included in the blacklist. Failure to confirm and update your account within 24 horus will result in a permanent suspension Confirm your account below

[Phish] Blackmail Attempt
March 11, 2018
Details: From: Disgrace <> Subject: Your Family Counts on your Intelligence Text: Good day, Do not pay attention on my illiteracy, Im from China. I put the virus onto your OS Now I stole all confidential data from your system. Furthermore I got some more evidence. The most amusing evidence which I received – its ...

[Phish] Online Access Locked
February 22, 2018
Details: From: Scotiabank Online Service <> Subject: Online Access Locked Text: You Have an Important notice from Scotiabank Online Click Here to Resolve This e-mail is an automated message, we can’t reply to any e-mails sent by return. Fraud Prevention Unit Legal Advisor Scotiabank Digital Banking Service.

[Phish] unable to alidate your account information
February 17, 2018
Details: From: Apple <> Subject: unable to validate your account information Text: Hello, This is an automatic message sent by our security system to let you know that you have 48 hours to confirm your account information. Your Apple ID has been frozen because we are unable to validate your account information. Once you have updated ...

[Phish] New Voicemail Message02
February 13, 2018
Details: From: Voicemail Notification <> Subject: New Voicemail Message Text: You have a new Voicemail message. 12505136743 left you a message 18 seconds in length at 08:30 on 2018/02/13. Please download and listen to your voicemail message the link: Voice message All of the files have been checked. No viruses found 1 file

[Phish] Investment…
February 11, 2018
Details: From: Andrew Lawson <> Subject: Investment… Text: Hi, I need your assistance to manage an investment fund in a profitable business in your region with good Annual Return on Investment (AROI).write me on: for more details Yours Sincerely, Andrew Lawson

[Phish] Unusual Activities
February 8, 2018
Details: From: TD Canada Trust <“mail.”> Subject: Unusual Activities Text: You Have an important notice from TD Online banking Click Here to Resolve This e-mail is an automated message, we can’t reply to any e-mails sent by return. Fraud Prevention Unit Legal Advisor 2018 TD Canada Trust, All Rights Reserved

[Phish] New Voicemail Message .
February 7, 2018
Details: From: Voicemail Notification <> Subject: New Voicemail Message Text: You have a new Voicemail message. 12503367372 left you a message 17 seconds in length at 09:33 on 2018/02/06 Please download and listen to your voicemail message the link: Voice message All of the files have been checked. No viruses found. 1 file Click to Reply, ...

[Phish] Re-Validate Mailbox
February 5, 2018
Details: From: majunwei900@ <> Subject: Re-Validate Mailbox Text: Dear User, Your Account Mailbox has exceeded the 1 GB Storage Limit This is set by the administrator, using 99.8 GB To Renew the mailbox CLICK HERE Thank you! Secured Authentication Copyright @ 2014 Webmail Utilities.

[Phish] Fedex February 3, 2018 1:42 AM
February 3, 2018
Details: From: FedEx Express Courier UK <> Subject: February 3, 2018 1:42 AM Text: Dear valued customer, You have a parcel with us at FedEx Express Courier UK Ltd. We have written to you twice but the email bounced back and I hope it goes through this time Do acknowledge receipt of this email in your earliest ...